Friday, January 14, 2011

Celebration of Fantasy EvelangelionZ

~13rd of January 2011~
Done with Submission of Assignment 2 for Computer Graphics 2

Our Ang
Our Captain - Andy
 Our Danny
 Our Jolyn
 Our Ban
Our Gary

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Process design the date of calender

We use Adobe Illustrator CS 4 to design and create our calender date.
Below is the process of completing the date design.

First, select the type tool (T)

We use IrisUPC as the font

Create the month

The year

 The week

We also use another font -Arial Black 

This is the our FINAL date design........
We repeat the step to produce the following month

File> save (ctrl+S)

Now, we add in the date into our calender wallpaper.Open the Photoshop file.
File> place

Select the file

Click OK to choose the image

Ctrl +T to transform the date to the suitable size

Right click on the layer and select rasterize layer

Go to blending options and select color overlay- white color

Select bevel and emboss
Change the style to emboss
Adjust the distance

Select the outer glow

This is our Final calender after insert the date.

Gary's calander tutorial 2

This is my second calender design process. Same as previous, I will show you all the step how I finish my calender. Hope you enjoy my tutorial......=)


Go to File > New (Ctrl +N)

Open a new file and rename it as CG calender 2 
Resolution : 300
Color mode: CMYK color

Go to File > place 

Select the image that you want and click place

Ctrl+T transform the image

 Rename the layer as grass land

Right click on the layer and select rasterize layer

Repeat same steps above to input another image

Rename the layer as jungle

Right click on the layer and select rasterize layer

Select eraser tool (E)

Click on the jungle layer and erase the bottom part of the jungle to mix both layer.

Select the grass land layer

Image > Adjustment >Levels (ctrl + L)

Adjust the input levels -126  1.06  255

Image > Adjustment > Hue/ Saturation (Ctrl + U)

Adjust the hue to -6
saturation +100 

Select the jungle layer

Image > Adjustment >Levels (ctrl + L)

Adjust the input levels - 73  1.00  255

Image > Adjustment Hue/ Saturation (Ctrl + U)

Hue +39
Saturation +70

Select > color range 

Adjust the fuzziness to 104

The top part had been selected

Press delete button to delete the top part

Select gradient tool (G)

Select the blue color

Drag diagonal on the background layer

Create a new layer name it as star

Select custom shape tool

Select the 5 point star

Select white color

Click on the background layer

Right click on the star layer and select blending options

Select outer glow and adjust opacity  size  range

Go to File > place 
select the image that you want

Ctr+T transform the tree image and place on the left side

Rename the layer as tree

Right click on the layer and select rasterize layer

Click on the Quick Mask Mode (Q)

Select brush tool ( B)

Shade on the part that you want to delete

Click on the standard mode (Q)

Go to select > invert ( shift + ctrl + I)

Press delete button

Image > Adjustment > Levels ( ctrl + L)

Adjust the input levels 24  1.00  255 

Image > adjustment> hue/ saturation

Now all the image look similar color

File > place
Add in another image

Name the layer as fern font

Right click on the layer and select rasterize

Click on the Quick Mask Mode (Q)

Select brush tool (B)

Click on the standard mode( Q)

Select> inverse ( Shift+ ctrl +I)
Press delete button

Image > adjustment> levels ( ctrl +L)
Adjust the input levels 154  1.00  255 

Image > Adjustment > Hue/saturation (ctrl+U)

Right click on the layer and select duplicate layer

Name layer as inter glow

Right click on layer and select blending options

Select inner glow

Create a new layer and name it line of leaf

Select the brush tool (B)
Draw it follow the leaf line

Right click on the layer and select blending options
Select outer glow and adjust the spread  size  range

Right click and select duplicate layer

Go to blending option and select outer glow

Repeat the step for another plants

Select all plant layers ( hold ctrl )
layer > group layers ( ctrl +G)

Name the group leaf 1

Create a new layer and name it purple outline

Select brush tool (B)

Select purple color

Toggle the brush panel > shape dynamics
Adjust the size jilter

The line of leaf will become purple color

Right click on the layer and select blending options 

Select outer glow
adjust spread and range

Select inner glow
Adjust the source to edge

Create another new layer name it tree outer line

Select the brush tool (B)

Draw on the tree

Go to blending options and select outer glow

Select the burn tool (O)

Click on the tree layer and shade the part of the tree.

Select the jungle layer

Select > color range

Adjust the fuzziness to 200

Select paint bucket tool (G)

Select light blue color

Color on the jungle layer

Create a new layer name as background tree

Select rectangular marquee tool ( M)

Select the background tree

Go to color range and adjust the fuzziness

Go to blending options and select outer glow
Adjust spread size range

Select inner glow
adjust choke& size

Select color overlay-  purple

Add in a new image

Name it as tree( back )

Image > adjustment > levels

Right click on the layer and select rasterize layer

Go to levels and adjust the input levels 89  1.00  255
Output  0   208

Image > adjustment > hue/ saturation ( ctrl +u)

Adjust the hue to +47
saturation +66

Select eraser tool (E)

Erase the extra part and left the part of tree

Create a new layer name it as line

Select brush tool (B)

Draw on the tree

Go to blending option and select outer glow

Adjust the fill of the layer to 0%

Duplicate the layer to get more lighten line

Create a new layer name it as fern leaf left

Select eraser tool (E)

Erase the extra part

Ctrl +T and right click
select warp to adjust the position of the leaf

Image> adjustment > hue/ saturation (ctrl + U)

Adjust the hue to 301
saturation to 88

Image > adjustment > levels (ctrl +U)

Input levels 151  1.00  255

Create a new layer name it as line glow

Select brush tool (B)

Follow the line of leaf and draw in white color line

Go to blending options and select outer glow
Change the color to purple

Right click on the layer and select duplicate layer

Repeat the step above to create another leaves.

Create a new layer name it as butterfly
Add in a leaf ( Love shape) image

Select lasso tool (L)

Drag the line follow the out line of leaf

Select eraser tool (E)

Move out the leaf image and erase the background

Image> adjustment > levels (ctrl +L)

Input levels 56  1.00  255

Image > adjustment > hue/ saturation ( Ctrl +U)

Adjust the hue +180

Select > color range

Adjust the fuzziness to 21

Select paint bucket tool (G)

Select the pink color

Click on the select part

Right click on the layer and duplicate layer

Place both leaf in butterfly shape

Select both layer( hold shift)
Right click and merge the layers

Layer > group layers ( ctrl+G)

Go to blending options and select outer glow

Select inner glow
Change the color to pink 

Resize it by pressing Ctrl +T 

Do the same step to create another two butterflies

Create a new layer name it as moon

Select brush tool ( B)

Draw a circle ( adjust the diameter of brush ) on the right top side

Go to blending options and select outer glow 
change the opacity and the color- white

Create a new layer name it as moon light

Select custom shape tool (U)

Select sign 2

Drag it diagonally from the moon to the ground

Filter> blur > motion blur

Adjust the angle to 6
distance 998

Select dodge tool 

This is my 2nd calendar wallpaper