Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jolyn's second Calandar

this is where i start... for my second calendar...i use this image as background.....

then... i use quick selection tool... i select the flowers and grass i wanted...

i moved to my background image...move and resize it and arrange it nicely..

next..is this fairy.... i selected only the fairy...by using quick selection tool 

then i move to my back ground image...place it to the place i want... make it smaller too...

here... i wanted it to look like the fairy holding a star..so i choose the star shape tool..

and there.....a star....

but i wanted it to look interesting.... so i added some effects onto it....

i right click the layer...choose blending option..

then choose color overlay....

then a outer glow effect for it.....
select how the effects as i want...

and here is it.... the star.....

here..... i copied one swan image over....

i place it behind the grass....rotate a bit....

i reduce the opacity for the swan....

Jolyn's 1st Calendar

first of all........ i found this picture online....and i found it quite suitable...so i downloaded it and start editing it..... this is the original picture....

then.....i set this as my background then i choose adjustment then curves to adjust the tone .....

this is the adding grass part 1.... i took the patch of grass from another picture..i bring it over here....i paste it where the place i wanted then i use masking to make it nice...

this is the grass part two.....another patch of grass is been brought over to make it feel there's a bit of GREEN..... same thing happen here.....i bring the patch of grass over here then i use masking again to make the picture blends together well :)

here's the star.....i added some stars into the blue sky .... i choose the shape tool....customize it ...then a star is done...i did adjust the opacity too..so that it'll look nice together with the picture...

here's another star...same concept used :)

and another star.....but the size and opacity is different...the location is different too....

and..................another star........

and another star.......but this star.....i used masking to make it blend together with the moon....

and one last small star at the left top corner....same concept for all the stars.....

and.........here's the rainbow....i moved it into my image...... i enlarged it and changed the opacity so that it could blend well with the background and the picture........and.....im done... :D

and done!! this is the final picture for the first calendar :D