Monday, January 10, 2011

Danny's Calendar 2 Tutorial

Second calender design tutorial :
My idea is a castle hidden inside the cloud.
So i choose this 7 images.

Let's start~
Step 1 :
Open a new file and name it as "Calender 2". The resolution is shown as below.
Step 2 :
Place a background image into a new layer

Step 3 : 
Place another background image in new layer again.

Step 4 : 
Change the image mode into "Darker Color", it will be like the picture shown below

 Step 5 :
Add a mask to the first image and start using brush to erase the unwanted part

 Step 6 :
Also add a mask to the moon image and use brush to erase it inside the mask

Step 7 : 
Place another image, stars to a new layer

Step 8 :
Change its mode to "Screen"

Step 9 :
Use Adjustment > Hue/ Saturation to adjust color
Step 10 :
Another Hue/Saturation to Moon image
Step 11 : 
The top right there has some weird part so we shall select copy and paste some clean part from star image to replace it at top right
Step 12 :
Now we can see that it looks better
 Step 13 :
Then place the fourth image which is a girl into a new layer
 Step 14 :
Ctrl+"t" to make it smaller and suitable size to background

Step 15 : 
Add a mask and start using brush to clean the unwanted part

Step 16 :
Hue/Saturation to adjust the color in order to merge with background
 Step 17 :
The right side still too empty so i plan to use a cloud image to replace it
 Step 18 :
ctrl + "t" + move tool to replace the cloud image

Step 19 : 
Mask + brush again to erase it nicely

Step 20 :
Adjustment > Hue/Saturation to change color effect

Step 21 :
Now i place a castle image to a new layer

Step 22 :
Same technique, Mask + brush to select wanted part

Step 23 : 
Now it looks merge with background but still have a little bit weird
 Step 24 :
Change the castle image mode to "Luminosity"

 Step 25 :
Hue/Saturation again to adjust color

Step 26 :
Use "Lasso Tool" to select some part from cloud image

Step 27 : 
Copy it twice and place it at the left side

Step 28 :
Adjust both's color with Hue/Saturation and change the opacity to 90%

Step 29 :
Place the final image which is a dragon to a new layer
Step 30 : 
Again mask + brush to erase it
Step 31 :
Use Smudge and blur Tool to make it smooth.
Step 32 :
Change image mode to "Luminosity"
Step 33 :
Copy and paste the dragon, ctrl + "t" to smaller it and put it below the castle layer so it looks behind the castle

Step 34 : 
Hue/Saturation adjust color

Step 35 :
Curve Line to make it brighter
Step 36:
Put the date into it and use blending option to make the words look nicer
 Here is the 3 option that i used

Step 38 :

Final Output : 

Thanks for reading my guide~

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