Monday, January 10, 2011

Danny's Calendar 1 Tutorial

Hello, I am Danny Yek. Our group’s calendar title is about “Fantasy Lanscape”.o
So, I plan to create a "future city" calendar
After searching from the internet, I decided to use these 4 images in my calendar.

Step 1 :
First of all, I open a new file and name it as “Calender 1”.The image mode shown as below

Step 2 :
Then place the background image

Step 3 :
I use the image1 as my background

Step 4 :
Use rectangle marquee tool to delete the unwanted part

Step 5 :
Use the same tool again to select the bottom part of image

Step 6 :
Ctrl + “j” to duplicate the part which I selected and ctrl + “t” to enlarge that part

Step 7 :
The result as below.

Step 8 :
Again, place second image to the workspace

 Step 9 :
Then, create a mask and use brush tool to erase the extra part

 Step 10 :
Ctrl + “t” to smaller the size of moon

Step 11 :
Ctrl + “j” to duplicate another moon and change the image mode to “Darken”

Step 12 :
Use Adjustment > Hue/Saturation to change some color effect as picture shown below

Step 13 :
Dulicate another moon and enlarge it and also use Hue/Saturation to adjust color

Step 14 :

Now, place the third image in workspace, the meteor

Step 15 : 
Use free transform tool to enlarge again

Step 16 :
Duplicate it at right side

Step 17 :
Change the image mode to “Screen”

Step 18 :
Place the last image into workspace

Step 19 :
Press ”q” to enter the quick mask mode and use brush tool to brush the part that I want

Step 20 :
After brushing, press “q” again to quit quick mask mode. Now, you can see the part you brushed is under selected. Press ctrl+shift+”i” to invert it

Step 21 :
Ctrl+Shift+”j” to cut out the selected part

Step 22 :
Then, make a mask on this layer and use brush to erase the extra part

Step 23 :
Duplicate the layer and use smudge tool to smudge the building behind to make it merge with background. Also, change the opacity of copied layer to 78%

Step 24 :
Use Adjustment > Hue/Saturation to adjust color, the effect shown as below

Step 25 :
Adjustment again to Brightness/Contrast to brighten it

Step 26 :
Finally, Put the date inside the image

Step 27 :
Use blending option to make the words stand up
The 3 function which I used

Final Output : 

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