Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ban's Calendar 2 [Heaven of Horsey] Tutorial

Second Calender! Let's GO!
The Idea: Sky just like in Heaven

As usual, New Workspace is create with A4 Size landscape with 300 Resolution
No doubt, place the image wanted to use, remember to resize that you want!
Image is placed and delete the Background Layer which is useless
Another image is placed again
Clouds Image is placed in Workspace
Change the Blending Mode of the Clouds layer to Color Burn
Blending mode to Color Burn
Add Color Balance in Adjustment and set as below:
Setting of Color Burn
The Workspace of image will looked as below after adding Color balance on it
Image of Workspace! COOL~!
Heaven? No Angel? NO!!! I place some Horse Image to the Workspace as my Angel
Place the Horse Image
Make it different! I Flip Horizontal in Free Transform (Ctrl+T)
Free Transform + Flip Horizontal
Now, delete the unwanted part with using Brush Tool in Layer Mask on the Layer of Horse
Why not Eraser Tool? This is because we can reappear back the image you if you go mistake to delete.
Delete the unwanted part with Brush Tool in Layer Mask
Change the Blinding Mode of Horse to Linear Light, so It will looked as Below
Linear Light is applied in Blending Mode of Horsey
Too empty! All Right! No problem, I make it Reflection to the Horsey! 
Duplicate the Layer of Horse and Free Transform to apply the Flip Horizontal with right Click to show the Table
Free Transform + Flip Horizontal 
Place a clouds image again to the Workspace
Clouds Image is Placed
Delete the unwanted part with Brush Tool in Layer Mask of the Layer
Delete unwanted part with Brush in Layer Mask
Now, add the Brightness/Contrast clip for the Clouds 3
How to clip? Click the icon that highlighted below:  
Clip the Brightness and Contrast to the Cloud 3
Now, the Image in Workspace looked:
Wow! How impressed was that!
Now, I am going to create Sunlight with my own!
Take a look! Create a New Layer named Sunlight
Sunlight Layer is Created
Now select the Brush tool with big size of soft round brush and hit on the screen!
The soft round brush is applied in the center of image
Just a round? No, I will make some line of lightning, using Filter > Liquify (Ctrl+Shift+X)
Using Forward Wrap Tool and Set the Tool option as Below and start to pull the brush from the point to Liquify
Forward Wrap Tool to Liquify the White Big Dot
Now you can see the Sunlight and the lining on the Image, but some changed position of layer is applied because the sunlight may too bright for the Horse if the layer is on top of Horse
Changing Position of Layer
Seem like Sky is nothing, so i place another image of Earth, wow, looked Cool!
Place an image of Earth
In the Blending Mode, Choose Line Dodge (Add) to show to effect!:
Line Dodge (Add) is selected in Blending Mode

Change to Low Opacity with 41%
Select Low Opacity = 41%
Duplicate another layer of Earth to show the small size of Earth in the sky (SEarth)
Small Earth is duplicated from Earth Layer
Adding some Bling Bling Shiny Star? No problem
How to make it? You can take a look from My previous tutorials of Calender 1: 
Ban's Calendar 1 [Silhouette Meteor Shower] Tutorial
Bling Bling Shiny Star and Line Shiny Star is added into the Workspace
Duplicate them to fill up the Sky with bling Bling Star with different Opacity 
More Bling Shiny Star is duplicated in sky
Don't forget, As a calender, sure need a dare of Calender, add the date into the Workspace
How to add? Please take a look: Process design the date of calender



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